Farming of Dhaincha will eliminate the need for urea, the government is also promoting, take advantage of this scheme 2023
Farming of Dhaincha will eliminate the need for urea, the government is also promoting, take advantage of this scheme
If you are looking for a new idea for farming, then we are giving you a great idea. This is such a crop that you can cultivate in any season and the possibility of its spoilage is absolutely zero. Actually, here we are talking about the cultivation of Dhaincha i.e. green manure. You can earn big money by cultivating it.
Governments of many states in the country are also providing financial assistance to promote its cultivation. It is rich in many elements including nitrogen, so it is not less than any manure. Let us know how you can start its cultivation.
How to start farming?
To cultivate Daincha, first of all the field has to be plowed properly. It can be sown in lines like mustard or by spraying method. If you want to make only green manure from Dhaincha, then you can plow the field only once and sow Dhaincha by spraying method. The method of cultivation of Daincha is very simple. Within just one to one and a half months after its sowing, the length of its plants reaches up to 3 feet.
Government is giving 80 percent cost of farming
The Haryana government has made a big announcement in the budget for the financial year 2023-24 to promote natural fertilizers in the state. The state government has announced to give Rs 720 per acre, which is about 80 percent of the cost of farming, on the cultivation of Daincha. Farmers will get direct benefit from this. Please tell that the use of green manure ends the need for urea. However, Daincha can be cultivated in any season. But for better results, it can be sown in Kharif season. Nitrogen reserves are found in its knots. That's why after harvesting the dhaincha, it is spread in the fields like this.
Big money will be earned from green manure
Let us tell you that there is no possibility of weeds in the fields after making green manure from Dhaincha. On cultivation of green manure, the cost of weeding and weed control in the field is greatly reduced. Due to this, the expenditure of the farmers on farming decreases and the income increases. The cultivation of Daincha can yield up to 25 tonnes from one acre. On the other hand, Daincha seeds are sold in the market for around Rs.40-50 per kg. In this way it can be very beneficial for the farmers.