hits Mritunjay Singh business registrant consultant
Yes,or any one above 18 , male femal open llc, llp, pvt , ltd, through mca . an accountant can set up an LLC.
Accountants and other licensed professionals such as attorneys, chiropractors, or architects can register their practice as an LLC.
An LLC is a business structure that is considered to exhibit characteristics of both a corporation and a sole proprietorship or a partnership. While the LLC gets some of the benefits of a registered business such as a corporation, there are also benefits that overlap between LLCs and non-LLC entities such as pass-through taxation. It's important to consult with a legal professional or financial advisor to ensure that any changes to your LLC's purpose are legally binding and enforceable.
we do all kind of registrion
llp, llc, pvt ltd,
all mca worke
business consultant
mritunjoy singh