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Showing posts from May, 2018

how to start new ngo in west bengal

An NGO is a not- For - profit organization , institution, or voluntary citizen's group working towards social causes. various interests,,like to setup schools, college, institute,hospitals, nature, water, human Bing, without making any profit , to develop society, and country. in India around  2.5 million NGO 'S are working. which is three reason why you should go for NGO registration , right now. In India  NGO'S can register themselves as a legal entity in 3 ways. 1) SOCIETY 2) TRUST 3) SECTION 8, & 25 , COMPANY 1) SOCIETY-     A society can be formed by a group of 7  or more people , a) national level society- in national level society  number of member 7, from 7 different state , and registered from DELHI. b) state level society- state level society member 7, have from same state , KYC AND DOCUMENTS FOR REGISTRATION 1) NAME OF THE SOCIETY 2)ADDRESS OF THE REGISTERED OFFICE   3)NAME,...